Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What actually Fashion is?

Fashion can be called an art, a religion, or a custom.
But for most people it is a method of utilizing clothing, accessories and hair to show or hide something about yourself. You can use fashion to express yourself, to serve as an extension of your personality.
Now a days fashion is not just confined to clothes and accessories, you can see the trend of fashion everywhere e.g. cell phones, jewellary, beddings, interiors, makeup, shoes, furnitureetc.
Now you can study the fashion on a high school level itself.Education is a vital ingredient: many universities offer excellent fashion merchandising courses.
Many students are initially attracted to fashion because it seems like a glamorous business:to some degree it is.
But the majority of clothing and accessories that are designed, manufactured and sold have absolutely nothing to do with the glitzy shows associated with famous designers.

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