Friday, August 22, 2008



One commonly used hair dye is henna - a natural colourant. It is a permanent hair dye. Though henna imparts an orange-red colour to the hair, this colour can be altered by the addition of indigo logwood and camomile.
A real advantage with henna is that it is a superb conditioner. It gives the hair body and bounce. Moreover, allergic reactions to henna are extremely uncommon - all these advantages have made henna a favourite colourant.


Paraphenylenediamine is a major component of all the synthetic permanent hairdyes. It frequently causes allergic skin rashes- so it is necessary for you to do a 'patch test' before using these dyes, to check whether your skin is allergic to the hair dye.

For a patch test, prepare a small quantity of the dye. Apply it to the skin (usually behind the earoron the inside of the arm, at the elbows) and leave it untouched and uncovered for at least 24 hours. The product should not be used for dyeing the hair, if any reaction (redness, irritation or blistering) develops. If there is no reaction, then it is safe to use the dye at that time. Since sensitivity can develop at any time (even after previous safe use) it is advisable to carry out a patch test every time you want to dye your hair. Reactions to these dyes appear several hours after use. Although not very common, reactions when they occur are both painful and unsightly. Itchy swellings and oozing then develop on the scalp, neck, forehead, and eyelids. Some people also develop breathing difficulty spon after applying the hairdye.

Prolonged use of the hairdyes can result in the darkening of the skin of the face and neck. Some doctors are of the opinion that hairdyes increase the risk of skin cancers-but this is really doubtful. Hairdyes also weaken the hair protein and increase the porosity of the hair. This results in weakening of the hair. This weakened hair is more prone to other mechanical and chemical damage. Because of this effect, several permanent hairdyes available in the market incorporate conditioners into the dyes. These help to reduce the damage of the hair caused by hairdyes.

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