Friday, August 22, 2008

Hair Care Advice

Setting Your Hair - Hair Care Advice

What are setting agents and hair sprays? Setting agents keep the hair set longer. They are applied to wash the hair before it is set. A film of the agent is left on the hair and as the hair dries, it is glued together giving it a stiff and thick appearance. Hair sprays, on the other hand,are used on hair which has been set. They keep hair in place.

Both, setting agents and hair sprays have very little chemical effect on the hair proteins. They both contain water soluble polymers, but in different formulations. Mechanically, they have two different effects: because they minimize the need to comb, they reduce hair damage; but they make hair stiffer, so it becomes difficult to comb, thereby increasing the damage to the hair while combing. Both these opposing effects are generally balanced.

Many of us use a 'dryer' for setting hair. Sometimes we use it simply to rapidly dry wet hair. Heat is potentially damaging to the hair because it results in the loss of natural oils and moisture. Also 'heat treated' hair is more prone to damage, because heat weakens the hair protein. This is especially so if the hair was wet prior to heat drying.

It is best to avoid a dryer altogether; but if this is not possible follow these precautions:

· Use the dryer when the hair is comparatively dry.
· Be gentle.
· Use a wann/cool setting on the dryer and keep moving it, so that no one section ofhairis subjected to heat for too long.
· Don't hold the dryer too near your head.
· Direct the wann air along the direction of hair growth, so that you are blowing flat on the scales of each hair shaft and not ruffling them up.

Tips for Hair Curling and Hair Straightening

People have been trying to turn straight hair into waves and curls for thousands of years. A permanent wave is a process that creates a curl in the hair shaft by altering its chemical structure. Perming hair is a good way to add body and curls to straight hair. It also requires a bit of extra care. Whether or not a perm will take depends on:

• the type of the hair
• its past history of chemical treatments and
• the skill of the stylist

You should never perm your own hair as this is a delicate job. If you do you run the risk of losing hair or damaging your hair shaft.
In expert hands, perming can create wonderful effects. Let the expert do hair perming proces.
There are different types of perm:

Acid perm
Create highly conditioned, flexible curls. Acid perms have a mildly acidic action that minimizes the risk of hair damage.
They are ideally suited to hair that is fine, sensitive, fragile, damaged, or tinted.

Alkaline perm
Alkaline perms give strong, firm curl results on normal and resistant hair.

Exothermic perm
Exothermic perms give bouncy, resilient curls.
Exothermic refers to the heat that is produced by the chemical reaction that occurs when the lotion is mixed.

Hair perm techniques

Body perms are very soft, loose perms. The result is added volume with a hint of wave rather than curls.
Root perms add lift and volume to the root area only.
Pain curl perms give soft, natural waves and curls.
Stack perms give curl and volume to one-length hair cuts.
Spiral perms create romantic spiral curls. The hair is rolled vertically rather than horizontally.
Spot perms give support only on the area to which they are applied.
Weave perms involve perming certain sections of hair and leaving the rest straight.

How to Perm Hair

1. The hair is washed by clarifying shampoo;
2. The hair is tightly wound around a curler or a rod;
3. The perm lotion is applied to the hair;
4. After a while the perm lotion is thoroughly rinsed;
5. A neutralising lotion is applied;
6. A failure to rinse and neutralise properly can lead to many problems.
7. The hair should not be washed for two to three days.
8. Cut your hair after you perm.
9. If your perm does not take you should wait a while before getting a new one.
10. Because permed hair can be dry, avoid over-use of irons, hot combs, and

How do hair perms work?

Perming is a chemical process of changing the shape of hair, so that the new style is retained through several washes. Perming lotions contain chemicals which cause some of the bonds within the protein fibres of the hair to break. The lotions remain on the hair for the necessary development time during which the desired number of bonds (25-30%) are broken. A new pattern is then imPosed on the hair by winding it on rollers. The lotion is then rinsed off the hair and a neutraliser is applied to enable the disrupted bonds to reform with a new pattern, giving the hair a new shape.
Perming can be achieved either by a cold process or by a hot process. In cold waving, thioglycollates are used to break the bonds, while in hot waving, alkalis are used. 'Soft perms' are also available for home use - they act in the same way but contain bisulphites which act more slowly and to a lesser extent-the result is a softer perm which does not last very long. Normally the professionally given perms should last until the treated hair grows out or is cut off.

What can go wrong with a perm?

A number of factors combine to make the perm successful: the locorrect strength of the lotion, the curler size, the degree of tension with which the hair is wound around the curlers, and the development time. Things can go wrong with any of these and spoil the perm.
You might not be satisfied with the style of the perm. With small curlers and too much tension on the hair, the hair looks frizzy. Similarly, in case of too long a development time the curl becomes too tight. With a short development time and larger curlers the perm is loose.
Damage to the hair is another problem with perming; this occurs most often in the hair which is already damaged by dyeing. Even in normal hair, too prolonged an application or too strong a lotion may cause damage, because of the weakening of the bonds in the hair protein. The cuticuiar scales are also damaged during perming and may even be lost - this leaves areas of hair naked making it look lifeless. If sufficient damage has been caused to the hair, it may break, either immediately or within a few days of perming, as you comb or brush your hair.
In rare cases skin irritation can occur-this is the result of careless application of the lotion or if the lotion is allowed to remain for too long in contact with the scalp. In view of the problems your skin and hair are likely to face, it is better to get your hair permed from an experienced beautician.

How often can you perm your hair?

This depends on the condition of your hair. Some damage does take place during perming and this is more so if the hair has been dyed earlier and it is therefore better to avoid re-perming your hair earlier than 4-5 months.

Can curly hair be straightened?

Yes, hair can be straightened just as it can be curled. This is done either by using chemicals or heat. The hair straightening is brought about by breakage of the bonds and formation of new 'ones and this too makes the hair weak. Of the chemical meth. ods, one technique uses a strong alkali and the other involves the use of a reducing agent. The former tends to have a stronger effect.



One commonly used hair dye is henna - a natural colourant. It is a permanent hair dye. Though henna imparts an orange-red colour to the hair, this colour can be altered by the addition of indigo logwood and camomile.
A real advantage with henna is that it is a superb conditioner. It gives the hair body and bounce. Moreover, allergic reactions to henna are extremely uncommon - all these advantages have made henna a favourite colourant.


Paraphenylenediamine is a major component of all the synthetic permanent hairdyes. It frequently causes allergic skin rashes- so it is necessary for you to do a 'patch test' before using these dyes, to check whether your skin is allergic to the hair dye.

For a patch test, prepare a small quantity of the dye. Apply it to the skin (usually behind the earoron the inside of the arm, at the elbows) and leave it untouched and uncovered for at least 24 hours. The product should not be used for dyeing the hair, if any reaction (redness, irritation or blistering) develops. If there is no reaction, then it is safe to use the dye at that time. Since sensitivity can develop at any time (even after previous safe use) it is advisable to carry out a patch test every time you want to dye your hair. Reactions to these dyes appear several hours after use. Although not very common, reactions when they occur are both painful and unsightly. Itchy swellings and oozing then develop on the scalp, neck, forehead, and eyelids. Some people also develop breathing difficulty spon after applying the hairdye.

Prolonged use of the hairdyes can result in the darkening of the skin of the face and neck. Some doctors are of the opinion that hairdyes increase the risk of skin cancers-but this is really doubtful. Hairdyes also weaken the hair protein and increase the porosity of the hair. This results in weakening of the hair. This weakened hair is more prone to other mechanical and chemical damage. Because of this effect, several permanent hairdyes available in the market incorporate conditioners into the dyes. These help to reduce the damage of the hair caused by hairdyes.


Predictions are always in every time New Year comes. Among the many things being predicted are the MOST trendiest hairstyles for the upcoming year. So come now lets discuss some of the most trendy hairstyles in 2008 , I am sure it will help you style your hair in the most latest style.

During the early months of 2008, it was predicted that more subdued looks will be heralded compared to the previous year of 2007 when there were flowing curls and blooming rich colors of hairstyles.

Our celebrities always play a vital role in giving the move of any trend in any year. So style talks are always incomplete without discussing the hairstyles of celebrities.

One of the predicted hairstyles trends in 2008 was the bob style, which was made by most celebrities as having a classic look. However, if you don’t opt for a bob style, you may consider getting your hair shorter instead.

Another predicted hairstyles trends in 2008 that will become the favorite as well by most celebrities is the sporty new look making the wearer to look like a rage among the fans.
The hairstyles trends in 2008 are most likely centering on having straight and sleek hair. If you will get to see most award and Hollywood events, most women are making their hair long in varieties of styles. One of the popular variety styles is the sedu or straight style, which have been rising to its popularity every year. This style is achieved with the use of a ceramic flat iron of course making the hair shinier and stylishly sleek.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

How to buy your wedding jewellary

Value and Importance of Engagement Ring:

The decision of buying an engagement ring is a onetime decision. Your engagement ring is the delegate for all your love, feelings, affection and lifelong commitments towards your would be life partner. You express your willingness to spend whole life with your fiancée with this engagement ring, and she accepts your proposal and expresses her gratitude by presenting back you another engagement ring. This tradition of exchanging rings carries loads of sentiments in itself, so you have to justify its importance by taking utmost care before buying engagement rings.

Things to consider before buying Engagement Ring:
You should take care of a few things before buying a diamond engagement ring or wedding ring, like:

Your budget
Sufficient idea
of choosing the best diamond for you
The choice of your fiancée or would be better half
Latest trends in terms of design, and
Materials used in making of diamond rings.

Rings are always a popular jewellery product among people. Gold Ring, Silver Ring, Diamond Ring, and Platinum Rings are always people’s favourite, depending upon the situation and individual budget. Jewellers have always been trying to produce more and more attractive and durable rings in terms of design and look.
Diamonds symbolize love. The rare beautiful stone represents treasured and forever love, as strong as itself, as pure as its own clarity. A diamond ring is not only important for brides and grooms, or couples planning to marry, this has to be handed down from generation to generation as blessing of elders.

Importance of rings at Wedding and Engagement celebrations are well known. For such occasions, Diamond Rings are most popular choice among all variants. In fact, Engagement Ring and Wedding Rings are most essential part of Wedding Jewellery collection for bride and groom both. By presenting a Diamond Engagement Ring, a man expresses his willingness to spend his whole life with her fiancée. The girl accepts the proposal and shows her acceptance by presenting a ring back.
At the time of wedding, the groom again promises life long commitment, ever-lasting love, and companionship for life by presenting a wedding ring. Bride accepts the ring, and in return presents a wedding ring, and agrees to spend her whole life with groom.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Fashion and Cosmetics

Allah himself admires beuty, therefore,his viceroy on earth also does, that is, man. Since times immemorial, man has been preoccupied with beauty. The old and the new literature is full of admiration of beauty. An effective recipe for beauty is the cosmetics. However, its just recent that scientists have achieved success in developing safe and efficacious cosmetics.

The UNITED STATES FOOD, DRUG AND COSMETIC ACT 1938 defines cosmetics as “articles intended o be rubbed, poured, sprinkled on, introduced into, or otherwise applied on the human body or any part, for cleansing, beautifying and promoting effectiveness or altering the appearance”.

Cosmetics are basically chemical substances to improve the external looks of the body. Some cosmetics are classed as drugs for they alter the functioning of the human body. Infact, sunscreening formulations are now also being re-evaluated to determine whether they should also be classed as drugs. The cosmetics application may be ivided into the following groups.

1) Skin care Emollients, creams, suntan lotions, body
scrubs, masks, skin toners, sunblocks etc.
2) Decoration Lipstick, face powder, face bases, eye liner
eye shades, blush on, lenses in different
colors, nail polish, mascara, etc.
3) Odour control Deodorants, body sprays, perfumes,
Colognes, after shave lotions, etc.
4) Hair applications Permanents, bleaches, sprays, depilatories,
straighter, rollers, etc.


Skin is the largest organ of the body. Skin breathes and it is the out look of a human body which is the basic of depicting beauty.
It carries out many functions including temperature regulation, fluid maintenance and disease control.
Skin regulation
is the softening of the upper layer of skin. The most common treatment is merely coating the skin with mineral oil or petroleum jelly. Nearly twenty billion Dollars are spent annually on skin care. Vaseline is the best known brand for the softening of the skin The first moisturizer and skin softener were developed in the dry and arid region of Near East around 3000 B.C.

EMOLLIENTS: are oil or fat based compounds that also soften the skin. Their examples are lanolin, cetyl alcohol, cocoa butter. Lanolin is ester in sheep wool. Cetyl alcohol was originally obtained from whale sperm. Cocoa butter another emollient is mixture of ester obtained from cocoa beans.

SKIN CREAMS: are oil in water emulsions. Creams include surfactants, herbs or plant extract include vitamins. These are natural effective agents for skin whitening and softening such as cold creams.

SUNTAN LOTIONS: come in dozen forms including creams, oils and lotions. Most suntan lotions now contain chemical sunscreens to block out ultraviolet light and help prevent skin cancer.

BODY SCRUBS: are used to peel off the dead skin cells of the body. It mostly contained apricot particles, dried orange, and a mixture of creams.

SKIN TOONERS: are used to polish the skin and protect it from the harmful effects of the sun and sunlight.

SUNBLOCKS: are used to block the harmful ultraviolet rays of sun. It provides a kind of coating and covering to avoid the effects of sun rays on skin. It is mostly used in countries with hot and dry atmosphere.


Decorative cosmetics are basically used to promote beauty not the health.

LIPSTICK AND LIPBALM: Lips are the most sensitive area of the skin. They are especially susceptible to dryness and its effects. Lipstick and lipbalm have similar ingredients as emollient which are effective in preventing the skin from getting dry.

Nails are designed to protect the fingers and toes. The cosmetic industry views the nails as perfectly designed for aesthetic application. The Egyptians were the first to paint the nails with red stain by 3000B.C. and the Chinese were using egg white, gumarabic beewax to formulate nail lacquers. Modern nail polish is still a lacquer used to paint the nails.

FACE POWDER: is used to cover blemishes or hide oily spots on face. The main ingredients of most powders are inexpensive inert organic compounds such as chalk or talc and soap binder helps hold the powder onto the face. The amount of dye or pigment varies with the specific type of face powder.

EYE COSMETICS: are basically used to enhance the effective look of eyes. Different color of eye shades and eye liner is used to prominent the shape of eyes. Mascara is used to amplify the size of eye lashes.

BLUSH ON: is used to give a glowing and vibrant color to the cheeks.

CONTACT LENSES: are used to give different colors to the eye and are temporarily used.


Different kinds of hair dyes are used to give the hair different styles and colors at regular intervals of time.
Streaks are also in trend now a day which give double or triple shaded streaks to the colors. It also provides a stunning look to the hair style as well.
Different kinds of rollers and straighter are also available in the market as well.

Perspiring is a normal body function thats help regulate the body teperature and remove waste products. There exist three categories of odour-controlling agents:Deodorants, antiperspirants and perfumes.

DEODORANTS:Deodorants are chemicals that attempt to musk or absorb the body odour. They come in the form of powders, sticks, liquids and odours.

ANTIPERSPIRANTS:Antiperspirants are similar to deodorants, but they also add a chemical that prevent the formation of sweat. The most commonly used chemical is aluminium.

PERFUMES, COLOGNES AND AFTER- SHAVE LOTIONS:These all are the presence of fragrance. Whatever man uses, cosmetics is basically his effort to enhance the beauty created by creator of this universe, the Almighty, but they do have harmful effects.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fashion relating to Odour Control

Perspiring is a normal body function thats help regulate the body teperature and remove waste products. There exist three categories of odour-controlling agents:
Deodorants, antiperspirants and perfumes.

Deodorants are chemicals that attempt to musk or absorb the body odour. They come in the form of powders, sticks, liquids and odours.

Antiperspirants are similar to deodorants, but they also add a chemical that prevent the formation of sweat. The most commonly used chemical is aluminium cholorohydrate.

These all are the presence of fragrance. Whatever man uses, cosmetics is basically his effort to enhance the beauty created by creator of this universe, the Almighty, but they do have harmful effects.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Latest Jewellary trends for weddings

Pearls, precious gems, or simple delicate jewelry can have a dramatic impact on your total wedding ensemble. Yet, it is important to know what looks good before spending a lot of money on such items.

For example, if you were having a beach wedding, you wouldn't choose to wear an ornate heavy gold necklace and matching earrings with a summer gown. Instead, delicate chains and fresh water pearls would be more appropriate.

Another decision is whether to have your wedding rings engraved, whether with your names and wedding date or with a short love quote. If you do decide to go with engraving, you'll need to make sure that your bands are wide enough to hold all the words.
There's also the decision on whether to buy simple gold or silver jewelry, a combination of the two, or perhaps go with metals such as titanium and platinum, which are becoming more and more popular amongst marrying couples.

Color choices can range from vibrant and deep shades, to light and airy, soft pastel tones. Usually, the deeper colors are reserved for fall and winter weddings, while the lighter shades are used in spring and summer weddings. However, this is not a hard and fast rule.

Trends in western bridal dresses

Here I am putting some of the tips to choose your wedding gown according to your body shapes and i am sure this will surely help you to look best in ur wedding outfit.

Hourglass Figure:For women that have an hourglass shape, a strapless or off-the-shoulder gown is just right. When shopping for a strapless gown, lean towards the one-piece gowns instead of two-piece gowns. A two-piece gown can result in a "choppy" look, splitting you into to figures.Bias-cut and straight designs are not best for hourglass figures. They will usually pull the eye to areas of the body that you want to minimize. These types of dresses are better suited for tall women.The bride with an hourglass shape will want to accentuate her curves. Avoid heavily beaded dresses that can tend to make the bride appear heavier.

Pear-Shaped Figure:
A woman with a pear shaped figure has smaller shoulders and upper body than lower body. A pear shaped bride should wear shoulder pads or puffy sleeves. This bride should avoid any type of body hugging gown, full skirts, or cuts that make the upper body appear even smaller or the lower body larger.

Short and Petite Figure:There are many options for the short and petite figure. Shoestring straps and off-the-shoulder gowns will work the best. A Cinderella gown will look beautiful and will add a touch of romance. Straight gowns tend to not look as nice on a short and petite figure. If you have already fallen in love with a straight wedding gown, offset it with a full veil. Wearing the right designer wedding shoes can also add height if a petite bride would like to appear taller. Keep in mind, however, that you may not want to be in high heels all night. Switching shoes will affect the way your dress hits the floor, keep that in mind when selecting your gown.

Square Figure:
The ideal gown for a bride with a square shape will create curves, or, create the illusion of curves. The neckline of the dress should be beaded. Alternatively, the upper part of the bodice should be beaded. Bigger skirts and sleeves are also ways to add curves. The square figured bride should avoid sheath or clingy dresses that contribute nothing to creating the illusion of curves.


Hey here i am gona put some best color combinations for ur wedding dress.

Use them and grab the attention of everybody in your wedding procession.

Black and White

GoldNavy Blue

SilverEmerald Green

Gold or IvoryBrown

Terra Cotta, and CreamBurgundy

GoldSky Blue and Chocolate

BrownBeige and RustRust-Red,

Pumpkin Orange,

and Off-whitePurple and Green.

These are some of the most cool color combinations for the eastern brides, make ur day special with special things.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fashion in interior designing

Now fashion comes in the field of decorating your homes, offices, apartments, shopping places etc. The people who want to look good also need uniqueness in their way of looking. So they want to have beauty in their living which is mostly done by interior designer who beautify your living places as your fashion consultants makes you beautiful and stylish.

Interior Decoration of Home Decor is the art of decorating a place in order to make it great to look at and easy to use with the existing frame of that place. The goal of the successful interior design is to give the home owner a look for the room that reflects their personality. Interior decoration uses things like paintings, paint, wall paper, light fixtures, floor plans, curtains and carpets. They base the whole design on the room itself.


Fashion without beauty is non-existent! Beauty without Hair is like the Earth without the Sun. Like the elements, Hair Designers, continually search for inspiration from the world we live in. The movement and fluidity of the ocean's waters makes a stylist want to create beautiful hair that sweeps shoulders like waves on a beach. The rigidity of metal is the foundation for hairstyles that are molded and shaped into perfection. Wood evokes our kinship with and dependence on the earth and all things natural. The lightness, invisibility yet power of air is all encompassing and without leaves us breathless but with it sets us free. The smoldering, molten characteristics of fire scream of a daring attitude and passion! The melodic, dynamic shapes and texture of our earth, mountainous in one region, flat in another gives a designer the ultimate liberty to create.


Fashion is a continuous culmination of new ideas, fresh concepts, and inspiration derived from the very elements that shape our earth. The most basic among these are FIRE, AIR, EARTH, WATER, WOOD, and METAL.. Like thread to fabric, these elements are interdependent, continually merging together in an endless array of textures, shapes, colors, lines and patterns. Along the way, these elements are not only shaping and molding our planet, but become the origin of our individual and collective thoughts, feelings, and creativity. What is Fire without Air? What is Water without Earth? How is Wood shaped without Metal?

What is on move in 2009?

ON THE MOVE OF 2009: The street culture’s influence adds vibrancy, rhythm, suppleness, and colour – the city wardrobe is packed with energy.Graphics, logos and pictograms are in constant development and typography is used as decoration.A mix of sophisticated fabrics and sport materials protects and comforts you in the city.

COLOURS OF 2009:An optimistic colour range to feature in faux monochromes. Raspberry reds, burgundy, cool blues, purples, split pea. Livened up with fl ashy and bright accents originating from active sport.

STYLE OF 2009:Simple urban shapes, with a sporty spirit, reworked with elegance. A look in motion with plenty of ease.

ACCESSORIES OF 2009: Clip and go. Pouch bags for mobile phones, all-in-one «techno» bags.

Who is a fashion consultant?

A fashion consultant is a person who can teach you with the upcoming trends of today and can groom u according to your look just like the services of a doctor.

He can guide u through the most trendy setups of today according to your pocket capacity.Dressing with style is so much easier when you are in your twenties and any fashion mistakes you make, you can get away with. However, as we progress through our thirties and forties, assembling a stylish wardrobe takes a bit more planning because your pirorities may have shifted to children, work or relatives – and sometimes all three! This may leave little time or money to keep up with the ever-changing face of fashion.

A fashionable wardrobe is readily available from stores and mail order outlets to suit every woman's personal style and budget. If your confidence is lacking because your body shape isn't what it used to be, or you feel that you are out of touch with the latest trends, your consultant can offer a personal, friendly service and above all, practical and workable advice. So if you are searching for a special gift for a friend, or require a personal style session to up-date your look, please take a look at fashion consultancy services.

Future of style

In the past fashion and design was something related to images and creating things but now the image can also include the personal value set of wearer and it looks as if the connection between fashion and social issues is now here to stay.

Me, you and no one of us can predict the style of future instead of those designers who have gained such a repute in industry that their mistakes can also earn money and fame for them.

Now everyone of us even the babies of our era are so much conscious about their lifestyle wearing and living that if we do want to have a break here, simply we cant get.

Socities have a more bigger issue on fashion, if u have to move in society with dignity then you have to show how much up-to date you are.

There are different kinds of fashions for different occassions.

As an over view, you can just say that fashion cloud has grabbed all the nations of the world at this time and no one can escape out from it whether he is a doctor, teacher, student or even a designer itself.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Women And Fashion

Women always have a close relation to fashion as their is a significant urge in them to look different and to look elegant. The urge to look unique in women is mostly genetical.
Women now wants to change her look with the changing trends of the modern world, the change in women has produced some striking losers -- mainly clothes perceived as too formal, too impractical, too expensive or too unflattering on maturing bodies.
Different kinds of clothings and accessories are used at different occassions by women of the present age.Women get mostly impressed by the glamorous models and rock stars of the modern world so they want to look like them.

Fashion is in the hands of DESIGNERS.

Designers are the people with high creative skills in their heads.

They can easily change the face of tomorrow with their designs. They are in high demand now a days specially in the field of media. Designers can greatly influence what direction fashion will go in. Working five or six months ahead of the season, the press attends fashion shows presenting designer collections; the media will then give editorial coverage to trends they think their readership is interested in.So everyone from big-name designers to celebrities may be behind influencing the direction fashion will go in.
But ultimately, it is you, the consumer, who will decide what is "in" when you choose whether or not to buy into a trend.New York, Paris and Milan are considered the major hubs for designers and manufacturers of fashion apparel and accessories.
London, Los Angeles, Toronto, Hong Kong, Sydney and Sao Paolo, in addition to hundreds of other smaller market areas are host to excellent designers and manufacturers.

What actually Fashion is?

Fashion can be called an art, a religion, or a custom.
But for most people it is a method of utilizing clothing, accessories and hair to show or hide something about yourself. You can use fashion to express yourself, to serve as an extension of your personality.
Now a days fashion is not just confined to clothes and accessories, you can see the trend of fashion everywhere e.g. cell phones, jewellary, beddings, interiors, makeup, shoes, furnitureetc.
Now you can study the fashion on a high school level itself.Education is a vital ingredient: many universities offer excellent fashion merchandising courses.
Many students are initially attracted to fashion because it seems like a glamorous business:to some degree it is.
But the majority of clothing and accessories that are designed, manufactured and sold have absolutely nothing to do with the glitzy shows associated with famous designers.

Monday, July 28, 2008

fashion creativity around the world

Fashion is something which everybody wants to adopt wherever he is and whatever is his profession or life style. In case of fashion designers it is simply a creative quality by which they can make a world wide following through their designs. It is different in different countries but likely it is the most accepted trend everywhere.